Who We Are

“The other way of looking at it – and this is actually the accurate way of looking at it – is that you're in a network – you're a node in a network, so, you can do a little arithmetic very rapidly and just figure out how powerful you are.”

— Jordan Peterson


HMN is a collective of caring local leaders and mentors founded by an unhoused single mother. Formed as a support network and 501(c)(3), we are focused on simplifying the process of rebuilding from homelessness in the community and with each unique individual. 



· Clean-up forests and natural areas impacted by dispersed camping and illegal dumping.

· Help coordinate removal of abandoned vehicles/RV’s from forests that pose a threat of fire and vandalism.

· Implement weekly garbage removal services for unhoused neighbors in impacted areas.

· Connect and streamline communications, services, schedules and donations with service providers as well as mutual aid groups for unhoused neighbors.


· Offer low-barrier transitional housing via high quality rent-to-own tiny homes on wheels for people that are interested in investing equity in themselves and their future through a 3-year personal development experience.

· Each participant works through their unresolved details that contributed to current life circumstances.

· Each participant is matched with 3 to 5 mentors, professionals, life coaches, case managers and volunteers that are dedicated to supporting their successful transition.  

· Each participant has a chance to work toward their personal reintegration plan through education, skill building, apprenticeships and other avenues of supporting their long-term stability.


Have each participant graduating from Home More Network with the option to keep or sell their tiny home on wheels. While the participant will be responsible for a percentage of the unit price, they will also be able to utilize the equity to move forward in growing their lives.